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Issue 02
June 2020
The Fourth Industrial Revolution, Pandemics, and The Future of Work
Inside this Edition

2 Jun 2020
Health and COVID-19
COVID-19 Response: Enhancing Regional Cooperation
It is clear that the world will need to live with the threat and impact of COVID-19 for the foreseeable future. The dangers and dire consequences from the spread of this disease loom over us, and there is no time for complacency. Since early January, A

2 Jun 2020
Health and COVID-19, Labour and Future of Work
Keep the Small Strong: Measures to ease the pandemic’s impact on MSMEs in the region
The micro-, small, and medium-sized enterprise (MSME) sector is often described as the backbone of the ASEAN economy.

2 Jun 2020
Culture, Digital Transformation, Youth
ASEAN Arts and Culture: Riding the Digital Waves
In June 2019, six musicians caught the world’s attention as they came online to perform an orchestral piece by Bach from six different cities across the world.

2 Jun 2020
ASEAN Human Resources Development for the Changing World of Work
Human resources development places high on the national priorities of all ASEAN Member States; and it continues to be a vital aspiration of the ASEAN Community. The ASEAN Charter includes in its main purposes: the development of human resources, promot

2 Jun 2020
Culture, Digital Transformation, Health and COVID-19
COVID-19: How Lockdown Arts Bring us Together
People have been forced to stay apart by COVID-19, but the arts are bringing us closer together.

2 Jun 2020
Civil Service, Education
Digital Transformation and the Civil Service: Agility in action
The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated digital transformation. Stringent social distancing measures are changing lifestyles and work arrangements. Businesses and governments have to rely even more on technologies to provide information, goods, and servi

2 Jun 2020
Lifelong Learning for a Future-Ready Workforce
As ASEAN transforms itself to rise up to the challenges of continuous digitalisation brought about by the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the Philippines’ Department of Education ensures that educational mechanisms are in place to sustain lifelong learni

2 Jun 2020
Children, Education
Education in the Age of Pandemic: Promoting, caring, and sharing
In an effort to curb the spread of COVID-19, over 190 countries have ordered school closures. This move impacts 90 per cent of the world’s learners, which translates to a staggering 1.6 billion children and young people.

2 Jun 2020
Germany’s TVET 4.0: A partnership for human resources development with ASEAN
Human resources development has been on the agenda of ASEAN since its formation in 1967. The 2008 ASEAN Charter reaffirmed the development of “(…) human resources through closer cooperation in education and lifelong learning (…)” as a key purpose o

2 Jun 2020
ASEAN Identity and Community Building, Education
Shaping ASEAN’s Human Capital Development with Connectivity
Our region is only as strong as our peoples. ASEAN’s economic growth and social development in the past decade have been resilient owing to the contribution of its productive workforce and growing middle class.

2 Jun 2020
Youth Volunteers Gain Life Skills while Serving Communities
Nobel Peace Prize Winner Desmond Tutu once said, “Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.”

6 Jun 2020
Children, Social Protection
ASEAN Children: Developing Potential and Building Our Future
Children in ASEAN are living in a rapidly changing world brought about by technological advances and demographic shifts. It is crucial that children have their basics needs fulfilled to enable them reach their potential, and also be equipped with 21st

6 Jun 2020
ASEAN Identity and Community Building, Culture
Southeast Asian Finds Alternative Ways to Mark Their Religious Festivals
Southeast Asians celebrated their religious festivals a little differently this year—in the privacy of their homes.

26 Jun 2020
Digital Transformation, Education, Labour and Future of Work
Preparing ASEAN’s Workforce for the Future of Work
ASEAN, led by Singapore, has an upcoming initiative to support ASEAN Member States to prepare for the future of work in a “new COVID-normal” by leveraging a skilled workforce, embracing technology, and providing safe and decent work for all, supported

26 Jun 2020
ASEAN Identity and Community Building, Disaster Management, Rural Development, Social Protection
ASEAN Builds a Village
Soil liquefaction swept their homes and loved ones away. Now, survivors of the Central Sulawesi quake get new homes on sturdier ground.