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Issue 03
July 2020
Social Protection for All in ASEAN
Inside this Edition

2 Jul 2020
Social Protection
Social Protection in ASEAN: A Tool Towards Inclusive, Sustainable and Resilient Community

2 Jul 2020
Health and COVID-19, Social Protection
Universal Health Coverage in ASEAN
In pursuing Universal Health Coverage (UHC), the World Health Organization (WHO) advocates that all people should receive the full spectrum of essential, quality health services, from health promotion to prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, and palli

2 Jul 2020
Labour and Future of Work, Poverty Alleviation, Social Protection
The Role of Social Protection in Mitigating Crises
The COVID-19 crisis has fundamentally shaken the social and economic foundations of countries across the world, including ASEAN Member States.

2 Jul 2020
Social Protection
Leaving No One Behind: The ASEAN Committee on Disaster Management and its Role in Fostering Social Protection in ASEAN
The ASEAN region is located in one of the most disasterprone areas of the world. It is The ASEAN Agreement on Disaster Management and Emergency Response vulnerable to typhoons, floods, droughts, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions.

2 Jul 2020
Social Protection
ASEAN Opens Its Doors: An Inclusive Internship Programme
It was an opportunity of a lifetime for the four graduates of the London School Beyond Academy (LSBA), a school in Jakarta that provides education to students with special needs and abilities.

2 Jul 2020
Social Protection
Strengthening Social Protection for Older Persons

2 Jul 2020
Social Protection
Reflection On Autism: From Disabilities To Different Abilities
Autism is widely known, often seen, but not sufficiently understood.

2 Jul 2020
Health and COVID-19, Social Protection
ASEAN-Japan Cooperation in the Age of Pandemics
The ASEAN region has faced many health challenges over the past few years due to emerging diseases.

2 Jul 2020
Health and COVID-19, Social Protection
Plastics in a Pandemic: A Look at a Long-term Solutions
Saving Lives, Polluting the Earth.

6 Jul 2020
Social Protection
Studies on Informal Employment Reveal Progress, Gaps, and Future Directions
A secure and satisfying job. Good income. Health care and social insurance.

28 Jul 2020
ASEAN Identity and Community Building, Health and COVID-19
The 36TH ASEAN Summit
Against a backdrop of a raging pandemic and global economic downturn, ASEAN heads of state reaffirmed their solidarity and cooperation at the 36th ASEAN Summit on 26 June 2020. The summit was held via a live-streamed video conference—a first in the 44-

28 Jul 2020
ASEAN Identity and Community Building
23rd ASCC Council Convenes to Further ASEAN’s Socio-Cultural Cooperation
The ministers of the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC) gathered virtually for the 23rd ASCC Council meeting on 23 June 2020 to discuss developments in the socio-cultural sectors in the region, including ASEAN’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

28 Jul 2020
ASEAN Identity and Community Building
On 8 August 2020, ASEAN turns 53 with a virtual celebration, a first in its history. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced people to stay apart, but ASEAN’s spirit of unity and togetherness lives on.

28 Jul 2020
ASEAN-KONNECT: Connecting through the Arts
ASEAN has, since its inception, facilitated people-to-people exchange in the arts sector across Southeast Asia to encourage dialogue and debate. This unique space for artistic discourse, which fosters pluralistic notions of what constitutes a regional

2 Jul 2020
Social Protection
Addressing Ageism in ASEAN
Southeast Asia has an ageing population. Social and economic development in the region has helped lower mortality and fertility rates, and increased life expectancy.

5 Jul 2020
Health and COVID-19, Social Protection
Krisana Kraisintu, PhD
Krisana Kraisintu dedicates her life to ensuring that everyone has access to affordable healthcare. She studied at Chiang Mai University, Thailand, and continued her study at University of Strathclyde, and University of Bath in the United Kingdom.

5 Jul 2020
Social Protection
Francisco A. Datar, PhD
Francisco A. Datar was determined to become a medical doctor at an early age, but tight finances, a mentor’s guidance, and serendipity set him on a different path—physical anthropology.

5 Jul 2020
Culture, Social Protection
Dato’ Dr. Faridah Merican
Dato’ Dr. Faridah Merican is fondly known as the first lady of Malaysian theatre. She has been involved in the Malaysian theatre scene since the 1960s, acting in plays that defined the Malaysian theatre scene.

5 Jul 2020
Culture, Social Protection
William Wongso
William Wongso has been in the food industry for more than four decades. But slowing down never once crossed his mind.