Reducing Poverty, Uplifting Lives

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27 Mar 2024
Poverty Alleviation
Prosperity for All: Reducing Poverty and Promoting Inclusive Growth in ASEAN
ASEAN has made great strides in reducing extreme poverty. The region’s prospects for growth signal that the tide is turning after the COVID-19 pandemic. The International Monetary Fund forecasted that economies in ASEAN will see growth of 4.2 per cent
27 Mar 2024
Poverty Alleviation
ASEAN Villages Network: A Rural Development and Poverty Eradication Strategy to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals in the ASEAN Region
Rural development is a top priority in the Southeast Asian region, where more than 60 per cent of the ASEAN population resides in rural areas. Recognising rural development’s pivotal role in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Indonesia
27 Mar 2024
Poverty Alleviation
6th ASEAN Rural Development and Poverty Eradication Leadership Awards
Every two years, ASEAN hands out the ASEAN Rural Development and Poverty Eradication Leadership Awards to outstanding private sector and non-government or civil society actors in each ASEAN Member State. Winners are chosen for their impact on rural com
27 Mar 2024
Poverty Alleviation
Poverty in ASEAN
27 Mar 2024
Poverty Alleviation
From Local to Global: Malaysia and ASEAN Address Poverty in the 21st Century
While we often describe or ascribe income values when discussing poverty, there is a recognition that poverty is a multidimensional concept (Saidatulakmal Mohd et al, 2018). Income can be useful as an indicator to capture general trends. In Malaysia, t
27 Mar 2024
Poverty Alleviation
Old Age Poverty and Active Ageing in ASEAN: Trends and Opportunities
Poverty in Old Age The current method of tracking old-age poverty involves disaggregating the current poverty measure according to age. However, poverty in later life is not the same as it is in youth and early adulthood. Older people are less likely t
27 Mar 2024
ASEAN Identity and Community Building
ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community Council: Charts Strategic Directions for ASCC Beyond 2025
The 31st ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC) Council Meeting was convened on 24 March 2024 in Luang Prabang, the Lao PDR. It was attended by ministers and representatives from 10 ASEAN Member States, including Timor-Leste as Observer and the Secretar
27 Mar 2024
ASEAN Identity and Community Building
Mapping the Vision: ASCC Launches a Robust Monitoring and Evaluation System
The ASEAN Socio-cultural Community (ASCC) Blueprint 2025 is a comprehensive roadmap towards realising an ASEAN Community that engages and benefits the peoples and is inclusive, sustainable, resilient, and dynamic by 2025. It is guiding policy framework
27 Mar 2024
ASEAN Identity and Community Building
ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community Policy Brief No. 1 (2024): Strengthening the Climate Financing Ecosystem in ASEAN
by Gopi Krishnan (C&G Analytica), Sonia Kumari (Universiti Malaya), VGR Chandran Govindaraju (Universiti Malaya), and J.S. Keshminder (Universiti Teknologi MARA) Climate change is an existential threat that poses catastrophic environmental impacts
27 Mar 2024
Health and COVID-19, Social Protection
The ASEAN Economic Community Digest: Developing Sustainable Tourism in a Post COVID-19 ASEAN
The tourism sector is a significant contributor to the ASEAN Economy. Before the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, the travel and tourism industry generated approximately 12 per cent of ASEAN’s combined GDP and provided jobs to 42 million ASEAN people (ADB, 2
27 Mar 2024
ASEAN Identity and Community Building
Strengthening ASEAN-India Ties: A Vision for Future Collaboration
Secretary-General of ASEAN, Dr. Kao Kim Hourn, recently delivered a lecture at Nalanda University in India, focusing on “The Future of ASEAN” amidst the evolving strategic landscape. Dr. Kao highlighted ASEAN’s enduring relevance and resilience, emphas
27 Mar 2024
Education, Youth
ASEAN-ROK Youth Metaverse Idea Contest: Reimagining Cultural Preservation
In May 2023, the Business Insider published an article titled “RIP Metaverse: An Obituary for the Latest Fad to Join the Tech Graveyard,” signalling the gloomy future of the industry. The metaverse was on everyone’s lips just two years before, bolstere
27 Mar 2024
What’s in a Name? Unraveling Naming Conventions in Southeast Asia
First-time visitors to Southeast Asia often find themselves mystified by local names. They ask: Are one-word names considered given names or surnames? Which part denotes the surname in multi-word names (the current record is 12 words)? Why do spouses,
27 Mar 2024
Poverty Alleviation
Cash for Hope: A Story from Cambodia
Fifty-two-year-old Touch Phalla dropped out of school when she was 12, just after finishing primary school. It was in the 1980s when her father had abandoned the family, leaving her mother to fend for Touch and her sister. Young Touch needed to become
27 Mar 2024
Poverty Alleviation
Breaking the Cycle of Poverty
Gemma Ambuyoc, 38, did not have an easy life growing up. Born out of wedlock, Gemma was raised by her grandmother, who struggled to support her. “I would not have been able to finish high school without my teacher, who gave me a job and a place to live
27 Mar 2024
Poverty Alleviation
Uma Oma Café: Serving Up Equal Opportunities
Imagine going to your grandma’s home for a good meal and a warm hug. This appeal made Uma Oma (Grandmother’s House) Cafe the talk of the town when it first opened in September 2023 in Jakarta. Social media posts about the cafe went viral. Within six mo
27 Mar 2024
Social Protection
Nguyễn Trần Thủy Tiên: Nothing about the Deaf without the Deaf
Forty-year-old Nguyễn Trần Thủy Tiên’s lifelong dream was to become a teacher. Shortly after completing her master’s degree in Sign Language Education at Gallaudet University, United States, through the World Deaf Leadership Scholarship in 2016, she la
27 Mar 2024
ASEAN Identity and Community Building
In Your Words: ASEAN 2045
As the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community maps its vision to respond to trends and challenges in the next twenty years, The ASEAN continues the conversation on people’s concerns and hopes for the future. The team aimed to involve various perspectives in th