The Asean Pavilion: Design for Change

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The winners’ videos from the Golden Bridge Short Video Campaign were played at Good Design Exhibition 2023's venue | Photo Credit: ©ASEAN-Japan Centre
The Asean Pavilion: Design for Change
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ASEAN-Japan Centre

Good Design Exhibition 2023

Tokyo, Japan

25-29 October 2023

Forty design products from 10 ASEAN Member States were exhibited at the Good Design Exhibition 2023. The exhibition was organised as a side event of the World Design Assembly in Tokyo, Japan, from 25-29 October 2023.

The products on display highlighted items that blended the traditional and the modern, as well as products that contributed to society, ranging from bags made by ethnic groups, sustainable footwear, traditional clothing, and lifestyle goods with a modern twist to upcycled furniture. Designers were also present at the pavilion to interact with the public, who were keen to learn more about the design industry in ASEAN.

The ASEAN Pavilion: Design for Change was initiated by the ASEAN-Japan Centre with the Japan Institute of Design Promotion to celebrate the 50th Year of ASEAN-Japan Friendship and Cooperation, along with promoting the region’s award-winning products to the Japanese public.

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