Labour Migration Publications

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Labour Migration Publications
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12 Jun 2023
Labour and Future of Work

Civil Society Proposal: ASEAN Framework Instrument on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Migrant Workers (2009)

This book was launched by the Task Force on ASEAN Migrant Workers (TF-AMW) as a tool to achieve a comprehensive ASEAN agreement that will protect the rights of migrant workers. The civil society proposal featured in this book was formally proposed to the ASEAN Senior Labour Officials Meeting in Vientiane, the Lao PDR. 

Compendium on Migrant Workers’ Education and Safe Migration Programmes: A project of the ASEAN committee on the implementation of the ASEAN Declaration on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Migrant Workers (ACMW) (2017)

Providing a comprehensive and accessible documentation on the current situation of migrant workers in ASEAN countries, this publication is a significant contribution towards the protection of the rights of migrant workers in ASEAN. It goes beyond the diagnostic by also assessing what is needed in practice, including legal standards, policies and practices of pre-employment and pre-departure education programmes, onsite and post-arrival programmes, and return and reintegration programmes in both sending and receiving countries within ASEAN and beyond. 

ASEAN Guidelines on Effective Return and Reintegration of Migrant Workers (2021)

In the absence of a comprehensive framework of support services, returning migrant workers may experience a variety of challenges affecting their capacity to reintegrate with their home communities, to cope with psychosocial challenges, to find sustainable livelihood opportunities, or to reintegrate into the labour market. The lack of adequate reintegration policies and options constitutes a loss to migrant workers, their communities and society as a whole. Therefore, this guideline focuses on the main principles, actionable commitments, and good practices related to return and reintegration. This guideline is also available in other ASEAN languages. 

Comparative Study on Law and Policies in the Management of Migrant Workers in ASEAN (2021)

The Comparative Study on Laws and Policies in the Management of Migrant Workers in ASEAN offers comprehensive analysis on how ASEAN Member States have dealt with the movement of migrant workers into their labour markets, covering all skill levels and including occupations under the 8 ASEAN Mutual Recognition Arrangements (MRAs), and providing recommendations as feedback for ASEAN policy makers and practitioners in improving policies and measures pertaining to the mobility of migrant workers. 

ASEAN Migration Outlook (2022)

This outlook provides a situational analysis of the return home of migrant workers because of crisis situations – primarily the COVID-19 pandemic – and the economic and social costs of their return and reintegration. The Outlook aims to inform the implementation of the ASEAN Guidelines on Effective Return and Reintegration of Migrant Workers. 

Migration and Health in ASEAN: Regional Case Studies (2023)

This report aims to examine and explain recent migration trends, flows and patterns throughout the 10 ASEAN Member States, while taking into consideration recent developments, legislative commitments, efforts and initiatives in the field of migration and health. It details each Member State’s overall general country profile, migrant profile, health governance and financing structures, health service delivery mechanism and identifies each Member State’s key challenges to implementing migrant health policies and strategies. 

Other labour – related publications


Regional Study on Informal Employment Statistics to Support Decent Work Promotion in ASEAN (2019)

The study delves into statistics across ASEAN Member States in order to identify trends and gaps in informal employment. Furthermore, it also provides practical recommendations to improve informal employment statistics to support evidence-based policy responses. Through the study, the first-ever ASEAN statistics on informal employment has also been established.


ASEAN Roadmap on the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour by 2025 (2020)

The objective of this roadmap is to guide ASEAN to collectively support its AMS over the next five years in working towards the elimination of the worst forms of child labour in the region by building upon achievements and lessons learnt from the implementation of the previous ASEAN Roadmap and similar policy initiatives. This Roadmap will provide a region-wide framework of cooperation that complements the commitments and actions of AMS against child labour at national and global levels through the focus areas described below.


Managing Technology’s Implications for Work, Workers, and Employment Relationships in ASEAN (2020)

This study investigates how technology, especially the automation of routine intensive work, the emergence of the knowledge economy and the evolution of platform work, is affecting employment in the region. How must policies and regulations evolve to accommodate this new reality? This report examines the region’s digital transition and the associated transformations underway in the world of work against the backdrop of its economic achievements, demographic change and existing labour market trends.


Implementing the Future ASEAN Agenda for TVET (2020)

This publication showcases models for the participation of business and industry in labour market- oriented TVET in the ASEAN region and aims to support the implementation of the Future Agenda for TVET across the ASEAN region.


ASEAN Rapid Assessment: The Impact of COVID-19 on Livelihoods Across ASEAN (2020)

The rapid assessment of the socio-economic impacts of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic in the ASEAN region comes at a time when generating data and analysis has become a necessity in determining the most appropriate and targeted measures at mitigating the pandemic’s impacts. This report succinctly reviews the responses undertaken by ASEAN Member States thus far in the social welfare, labour, and education sectors. The report also identifies key challenges and scalable approaches and proposes a set of policy recommendations.


ASEAN Declaration on Human Resources Development for the Changing world of Work and Its Roadmap (2020)

The ASEAN Declaration on Human Resources Development for the Changing World of Work was adopted by the 36th ASEAN Summit on 26 June 2020. The Declaration calls for the development of a roadmap for its implementation through concrete strategies and actions that will complement the work plans of the ASEAN Labour Ministers Meeting (ALMM), ASEAN Education Ministers Meeting (ASED), ASEAN TVET Council (ATC)1 and other relevant sectoral bodies.

This Roadmap translates the commitments in the ASEAN Declaration on Human Resources Development for the Changing World of Work into concrete actions that contribute to the attainment of the ASEAN Vision 2025 of a people-oriented, people-centred ASEAN Community where our peoples enjoy higher quality of life and the benefits of community building. This Roadmap also supports one of the key purposes of ASEAN, as stipulated in the ASEAN Charter, which is to develop human resources through closer cooperation in education and lifelong learning, and in science, technology, for the empowerment of the peoples of ASEAN and for the strengthening of the ASEAN Community.


Regional Study on Labour Productivity in ASEAN (2021)

This pioneering study provides a comprehensive assessment on labour productivity trends in ASEAN and demonstrates human capital has statistically significant impact on the overall productivity in the world of work.


ASEAN Guideline on Gender Mainstreaming into Labour and Employment Policies Towards Decent Work for All (2021)

This guideline elaborates on relevant international standards and frameworks on gender equality and decent work, shares promising practices from within and outside the region, as well as provides checklists on employment promotion, decent working conditions, social protection and international labour migration. These tools are envisioned to enable greater promotion of gender mainstreaming into labour and employment policies in ASEAN.


Addressing Unpaid Care Work in ASEAN (2021)

This report describes the state of the unpaid care economy in ASEAN countries. By examining the socioeconomic, political, legislative and institutional conditions in each country of ASEAN, this report highlights examples of promising policy measures undertaken either prior to the COVID-19 pandemic or as emergency measures after its onset to address women’s unpaid care and domestic work. The report proposes recommendations to introduce a care-sensitive dimension into national and regional gender policies towards building back better and more equal.


Human Resources Development Readiness in ASEAN – Regional Report (2021)

This publication was designed to provide a baseline on the status of HRD across ASEAN Member States (AMS) and identifies areas of improvement against the current progress. In particular, the study explores the HRD strategies, policies and programs currently applied in AMS in response to future challenges in a changing world of work.


Old-Age Income Security in ASEAN Member States – Policy Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities (2021)

The study provides recommendations contributing to a comprehensive approach towards effective pension policies and systems, particularly on the prospects of future social old-age income policies, as one of the most important macroeconomic policy agenda in the region. It covers mechanisms in extending existing and new contributory schemes particularly to workers in informal employment and in new forms of employment brought about by rapidly changing business models and job transformation.


Regional Study on Green Jobs Policy Readiness in ASEAN (2021)

This report goes some way to encourage policy makers to work on a common definition, along with knowledge sharing and understanding best practices in promoting green jobs and skills. The report aims to highlight a policy framework for the promotion of green jobs and just transition, then utilizes the framework to assess the policy readiness of ASEAN Member States.


Regional Report of ASEAN-ROK Technical Mobility (TEAM) programme – Component 1: Enhancing the Competitiveness of Human Resources through Responsive TVET Curriculum Supported by Involvement of Industries and Labor Market Information Integrating the Case Studies of 10 AMS (2022)

The Component 1 of the ASEAN-Republic of Korea (ROK) Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) for ASEAN Mobility (TEAM), titled ‘Enhancing the Competitiveness of the ASEAN Human Resources through Responsive Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) curriculum supported by Involvement of Industries of Labor Market’ is a joint-endeavor of the 10 ASEAN Member States to seek how to enhance the human resources by checking and exploring the TVET curriculum of the ASEAN Member States from the point of the labor markets.


Research on Economic Justification of Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Implementation in the Construction Sector (2023)

This Study on Economic Justification of Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Implementation in the Construction Sector is a regional initiative in the Work Plan ASEAN Occupational Safety and Health Network (ASEAN-OSHNET) 2021-2025. It examined the implementation of OSH programmes in the construction sector and its economic gains across eight ASEAN Member States. The analysis showed that investments in occupational safety and/or health programmes in the construction workplace resulted in benefits that, from the economic perspective, are at least twice greater than the investment spent– an affirmation that expenditures for OSH should be seen as an investment and not a cost.
