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Inside this Edition
31 Jul 2024
Transforming The Future of Education in ASEAN
ASEAN and its Member States are keenly aware of the challenges posed by accelerated digitalisation and its impact on society, including the rapidly changing world of work. Moreover, the Member States recognise the need to integrate sustainable developm
31 Jul 2024
Learning Recovery
31 Jul 2024
Investing in Tomorrow: Early Childhood Care and Education in ASEAN
Research shows that the rapid pace of brain development in the first years of life makes early childhood a crucial period for intervention. This presents governments with a vital opportunity to positively impact children’s lives. Investing in early chi
31 Jul 2024
Higher Education: The ASEAN Qualifications Reference Framework
The ASEAN Qualifications Reference Framework (AQRF) is a regional framework that compares higher education qualifications across ASEAN Member States based on learning outcomes. It offers a neutral influence on national qualifications frameworks (NQF) o
31 Jul 2024
Digital Transformation, Education
Shaping TVET for a Green and Digital Future
SEAMEO VOCTECH is a Regional Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training, established on 28 August 1990 from a Memorandum of Agreement between the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organisation (SEAMEO) and the Government of Brunei
31 Jul 2024
Learning Outcomes
31 Jul 2024
In Pursuit of Quality Teacher Education in ASEAN
Teacher education supports the development of quality teachers, education leaders, and research that influences teaching practice and policies. It directly impacts student learning outcomes, professional practices, and educational standards. Vital regi
31 Jul 2024
UNESCO Guidance for Generative AI in Education and Research
In 2023, UNESCO released the Guidance for Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) in Education and Research as a response to the intensified discussions surrounding the social and ethical implications of AI. UNESCO emphasises the importance of adopt
31 Jul 2024
Teachers Matter: Improving Teacher Education in ASEAN
The ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC) Policy Brief is a publication of the ASCC Department at the ASEAN Secretariat. It identifies trends and challenges that will impact ASEAN and ASCC sectors and propose policy-relevant solutions and recommendatio
31 Jul 2024
Inclusive Education for Persons with Disabilities
Inclusive education for all students, including those with disabilities, is high-quality education that not only teaches students valuable skills but also fosters a sense of belonging. Inclusive education is necessary at preschool, primary, secondary,
31 Jul 2024
Butet Manurung, Championing Education for All
Fifty-two-year-old Saur Marlina Manurung, better known as Butet Manurung, is the woman behind Sokola Institute. The organisation implement literacy programmes targeting various underserved and marginalised communities in Indonesia, including ethnic gro
31 Jul 2024
ASEAN-India Educational Linkages
India’s education system, rooted in rich traditions and values, is a testament to the nation’s commitment to nurturing intellectual growth and innovation. It is known for its rigorous curriculum, which emphasises discipline and hard work. India’s educa
31 Jul 2024
Education, Labour and Future of Work
The Future is Skilled: Bridging the Gap in ASEAN with TVET Mobility
The ASEAN-ROK Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Mobility Programme, supported by the ASEAN-Korea Cooperation Fund (AKCF), is a strategic investment in the region’s human capital. Optimising TVET programmes and fostering collaboration c
31 Jul 2024
Digital Transformation
The ASEAN Economic Community Digest: The Quest Toward Developing an AI Governance in ASEAN: Insights from the 11th ASEAN Economic Community Dialogue
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the discipline of creating intelligent machines capable of analytical reasoning, enabling organisations to operate effectively and with foresight. The current estimated value of the global AI market is 197 billion US dol
31 Jul 2024
The Spices and Flavours of a Shared Cultural Identity
Spices are an integral part of Southeast Asian cuisine. They create the unique flavour profile of our countries’ most iconic dishes. Think of tom yum without galangal and chilli peppers, or pho without coriander, cardamom, and star anise.