SEAMEO VOCTECH is a Regional Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training, established on 28 August 1990 from a Memorandum of Agreement between the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organisation (SEAMEO) and the Government of Brunei Darussalam. It is one of 26 centres under SEAMEO. in line with its Five Year Development Plan, SEAMEO VOCTECH continues to strengthen its services to support technical and vocational education and training (TVET) trainers, academics, and managers in SEAMEO member countries and beyond. It is an effort to enhance the skills of our workforce in the post-pandemic era. The Centre helps identify and solve common problems in TVET through training development initiatives, research consultancies, and the distribution of information and knowledge in the region.
Delivering and promoting quality technical and vocational education and training is vital. Thus, the Centre provides four categories of training services by conducting regional, in-country, customised and special training programmes in the areas of curriculum development, management, teacher education, information and communications technology, research, and skills training in collaboration with partners.
Innovative research and consultancy in TVET
Aside from training and professional development activities, SEAMEO VOCTECH also conducts research and consultancy services with the core aim of elevating the quality of TVET in the region. Research programmes are an important component of SEAMEO VOCTECH’s function as an international organisation. Among its notable national research initiatives are the Graduate Employment Study and Employer Satisfaction Surveys, both conducted nationwide for the Ministry of Education, Brunei Darussalam.
SEAMEO VOCTECH likewise actively participates in and leads various regional and international research projects. A significant project aligned with the theme of preparing TVET for Industry 4.0 is the “Readiness of TVET Institutions for IR 4.0 in Southeast Asia.” This initiative has yielded the Smart Education Readiness Index (SERI) and a comprehensive assessment matrix (https://bit.ly/SERI_Assessment_Matrix).

TVET institutions are encouraged to use the assessment matrix to evaluate their readiness for Industry 4.0. This matrix serves as a foundation for enhancing their readiness for the next level and for regularly monitoring their progress.
The Centre offers a wide range of consultancy services that include conducting research studies, acting as validators, and providing expert consultation to elevate TVET at both institutional and international levels.
Regional knowledge platform in TVET
In the area of information and knowledge sharing, one of the salient initiatives undertaken by SEAMEO VOCTECH is the creation of the one-stop hub, regional knowledge platform for TVET in Southeast Asia, the SEA-VET.net which can be accessed at https://sea-vet.net. The project received support from GIZ-RECOTVET (Regional Cooperation for Technical and Vocational Education and Training), a regional project under the German Development Agency (GIZ) on TVET, and Ministry of Education, Brunei Darussalam.
The regional knowledge platform offers news, events, priority topics, including private sector engagement, an IR 4.0 and digitalisation webpage, and student and teacher exchanges. Other features in the platform include the TVET in practice section with SEAMEO member country profiles, good practices, initiatives, and a community page. Valuable resources, such as publications, infographics, a newsletter, and an energy dashboard, are available on the platform.
To further expand the platform’s reach, SEA-VET has launched a sub-page called SEA-VET Learning in July 2022. Initially, most learning resources for training and capacity-building programmes were offered through onsite training. Now, the resources have been made available in a blended mode, both online and onsite, for TVET curriculum developers, teachers, and managers from the 11 SEAMEO member countries. These resources are accessible and managed at SEA-VET Learning, which can be found at highlight.
Since its inception in 2019, SEA-VET.net has consistently delivered comprehensive, relevant, and up-to-date TVET developments in Southeast Asia and globally. The platform has continued to expand its reach through the creation of sub-pages mentioned earlier to tailor the specific needs of various TVET stakeholders, effectively addressing regional knowledge gaps. This includes the addition of a private sector page to cater to the private sector and the development of the ASEAN TVET Council webpage to support its implementation.
In addition to being a member of the ASEAN TVET Council, SEAMEO VOCTECH hosts the council’s official webpage through SEA-VET.net, which was successfully launched during the 2nd ATC Regional Policy Dialogue in May 2023 in Bangkok, Thailand. Following the 3rd ATC Regional Policy Dialogue in February 2024 in Bali, Indonesia, the council is documenting the discussion results and recommendations. SEA-VET assists in undertaking the editorial and safekeeping of documentation for the development of this cross-sectoral body. These documents will soon be available on the ASEAN TVET Council webpage to guide members in implementing the work plan.

Elevating skills: SEAMEO VOCTECH’s Strategic Roadmap 2024-2029
SEAMEO VOCTECH has just completed its 6th Five-Year Development Plan (July 2019/2020 to June 2023/2024), which is centred on the theme “Preparing TVET for IR 4.0.” The organisation has now unveiled its 7th Five-Year Development Plan (2024/2025 to 2028/2029), which is centred on the theme “Inclusive TVET for a Green and Digital Future.”
The organisation aims to become a globally recognised leader in TVET, focusing on inclusive education, digitalisation, and sustainable development. The plan highlights seven priority areas: policy and governance, inclusive quality TVET, greening TVET and sustainable development, industry and community collaboration, technology and digital transformation, future skills and lifelong learning, and research and innovation. These areas are designed to drive progress and ensure access to high-quality TVET for all, preparing learners for the evolving job market and promoting lifelong learning. These priority areas align with the global and regional TVET agendas of various organisations, such as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, the UNESCO Strategy for TVET (2022-2029)–Transforming TVET for Successful and Just Transitions, the ILO Strategy on Skills and Lifelong Learning 2030, the SEAMEO Strategic Plan 2021-2030, the ASEAN Work Plan on Education 2021-2025, and the ASEAN TVET Council Work Plan 2021-2030.
Guided by its core values, SEAMEO VOCTECH measures its success through four key result areas: training and professional development, research and innovation, knowledge management, and partnership and organisational sustainability. The slogan “Together We Excel” reflects the organisation’s commitment to collaboration and achieving excellence. This strategic plan positions SEAMEO VOCTECH as a leader in TVET, fostering an inclusive, green, and digital future for all learners, the future workforce, and society as a whole.