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30 Years of ASEAN-India relations

ASEAN-India Summit

The year 2022 marks the 30th anniversary of ASEAN-India relations, and its progression into a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership. India initially came on board as a Sectoral Dialogue Partner in 1992, then gained Dialogue Partner status three years later. It began participating in ASEAN Summits in 2002, became a Strategic Partner in 2012, and in 2015, 30 Years of ASEAN-India relations

A Vibrant Ecosystem for Innovations

ASEAN and India are fast-rising hotspots for digital start-ups. This was evident in the first ASEAN-India Start-up Festival 2022, held on 27-30 October 2022 at the Innovation Convention Center in Cibinong, Indonesia.

ASEAN-India Artists’ Camp 2022

Art is a powerful tool that brings people together and imbibes the socio-cultural practices of the time. The ASEAN-India Artists’ Camp 2022 was one such project. It recognised the power of art in fostering intercultural people-to-people exchanges to promote mutual understanding and tolerance.

Commemorative Events

The ASEAN InterParliamentary Assembly (AIPA) Delegation’s visit to India on 10-14 August 2022.

ASEAN and India marked the anniversary of their partnership by holding several commemorative events throughout 2022. Some of these are high-level meetings, such as the Special Foreign Ministers’ Meeting and the Delhi Dialogue on 15-17 June 2022, the ASEAN Defence Ministers’ Meeting Plus and ASEAN-India Defence Ministers’ Informal Meeting on 22-23 November 2022, and the Commemorative Events

Disa Edralyn, MD

Disa Edralyn, MD

Months into the pandemic, Dr. Disa Edralyn understood that the risk of contracting the coronavirus is higher for medical workers in Indonesia. The 27-year-old doctor, who is currently inactive to focus on her speciality study on anaesthesiology, was tested positive with COVID-19 in July. Earlier, her 61-year-old dentist mother was also infected by the virus.

ASEAN Advances Migrant Workers’ Rights in the Changing World of Work

Labour migration is a global phenomenon. Every year, millions of workers migrate outside their home countries in search of better opportunities for higher-paying jobs in the face of limited productive employment in their home countries. This is an enduring narrative amidst regional integration, digital and greening transformations, demographic transitions, and climate change.